In order to help finance our upcoming release projects for this summer and fall, we are going to offer the following special sale deals until August 28. The sale starts today, so please check them out! The deals include: ------------------ 1) Bandcamp: 20 percent off everything (Erstwhile, elsewhere, Gravity Wave), coupon code for each is 'summer22', but if you want to bundle orders, you need to contact us directly (erstrecs(at)gmail.com). (*please note that this applies to everything except this year's new and upcoming releases: elsewhere 021-1&2, 022-3, 023-2, Erstwhile 093, ErstSolo 008-2. The prices for these new 2022 CD/digital have been raised temporarily, so please make sure to apply the 20% off coupon to get them at the normal prices.) erstwhilerecords.bandcamp.com elsewheremusic.bandcamp.com michaelpisaro.bandcamp.com ------------------ 2) Our labels' websites: 20 percent off everything (Erstwhile, elsewhere, Gravity Wave), coupon code for each is 'summer22'. For elsewhere titles only: www.elsewheremusic.net For combined order for Erstwhile, elsewhere, Gravity Wave: www.erstwhilerecords.com ------------------ 3) Buy all 3 new/upcoming elsewhere titles and get one single CD for free If you buy all three new 2022 elsewhere titles (elsewhere 021-1&2, 022-3, 023-2), we will offer $5 off from the total $70 (thus $65), plus one single CD from the elsewhere catalog for free. if you're interested in this offer, please e-mail directly to: elsewheremusicnet(at)gmail.com ------------------ 4) ErstDist/Erstwhile/elsewhere/Gravity Wave sale: buy 5, get 2 free The way this will work is that you select 7 items, and you pay for 5, with the cheapest two of your choices being free, so for every 5 you pay for, you get two free ones. This applies to everything that we stock, including Erstwhile/elsewhere/Gravity Wave releases. Erstwhile/elsewhere/Gravity Wave single CDs are $14, double CDs are $21, triple CDs are $28. everything we have at ErstDist currently is listed here: www.erstwhilerecords.com/erstdist.html ------------------ We appreciate your very kind support of our labels, past and future, and hope you will be able to take advantage of one of these discount deals. Thanks for looking and hopefully participating! - Yuko
January 2025
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